Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Appointment

As I said before, we woke up Sunday to a bit of a scare and ended up in the ER for about 4 hours.  I joked with Amanda that I just couldn't allow her wedding weekend to be ENTIRELY about her :)  After being stuck a few times with needles and a few tests they determined that everything was fine and we were definitely pregnant.  They pulled the ultrasound machine into the room which was exciting except it was such a small screen only Dane and my Mom could see what was going on.  There is definitely a baby in there and they could see the heart beating which was a HUGE sigh of relief. 

You would think that was enough excitement for one week, but we had our first 10 week OB appointment today which was very exciting.  Even though we already knew it was in there, this time when they did the ultrasound I was able to see everything!  It was overwhelming to see the little guy in there moving all around and watching the tiny heart flutter.  We go back in 2 weeks so I'm hoping that we will get to see the little one again :) 

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