Friday, July 8, 2011

26 Weeks

How Far Along: 26 weeks
Size of baby: He is now a pound and two thirds and measures 14 inches long - says about the size of an English hothouse cucumber (I have NO idea what that is)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I have conveniently been avoiding the scale...I'll let you know after my next Dr. appointment :)
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely wearing maternity clothes - I don't like buying them so I try to make sure if I buy something I could still possibly wear it after...we'll see!
Movement: Baby gets more active each and every day.  There are days at the office that people in the other cubicles must think I'm crazy when I yelp because baby kicks so hard it startles/hurts me!  When I lay down at night on my left side baby moves his entire body over to the left side of my tummy and sits his little tush so I can feel him pushing :)
Sleep: While in Michigan sleep was ok, but my hips KILLED me from sleeping on a mattress that was super hard.  Since getting back I have been sleeping like a total log which is good, but these days I feel like I just can't get enough of it!  The worst is when baby is finally calm and asleep and I have to get up and pee at 4am and when I sit down on the toilet baby starts moving all around.  I just sit in the dark with the nightlight on thinking "damnit I woke the baby up!!" haha  After a few minutes of squirming he usually quiets down, but it's hard to go back to sleep when you have an almost 2 pound human inside of you stretching out!
Symptoms: After sitting in the car for 8 hours heading up to Michigan my ankles, feet, and toes were SO swollen I have to lay down and put my feet up.  I tried to stretch out and move my legs a lot in the car, but I guess that didn't help...I'll have to be sure to get up more when we travel to Mexico!
What I miss: Usually when we go up to Michigan we stay out late and hang out with friends, but these days my late is 10pm!  I didn't really miss the staying out late and socializing, but I do miss being able to stay up later than 9 or 10!
Cravings: I really haven't noticed a craving for anything specific.  I am not a donut fan, but while in Michigan I did have to stop by the local donut shop only because they do make some of the best! :)
Best Moment this week: The best moment this week would have to be seeing my grandmother who just a week ago was in the hospital from a heart attack. 

1 comment:

  1. Avoiding the scale huh?! HA. You're allowed! Hope you are feeling great. Thanks for the update. Glad you had fun in Michigan!
