Thursday, May 19, 2011

19 Weeks! (almost)

When we originally started our journey our switch days were Thursday (switch day: when you go from 18 to 19 weeks), but our OB changed it to Saturdays for some reason.  In honor of actually getting my hair done I'm using today as our 19 week update :)

How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: Heirloom Tomato - 8 1/2 oz and 6 inches long
Total Weight Gain/Loss: STILL not necessary to discuss right now :)
Maternity Clothes: Still able to wear regular clothes, but feel more comfortable in yoga pants (doesn't everyone?)
Movement: Since my last belly post there has been a HUGE change...this baby kicks up a storm!!  Usually after dinner and we are relaxing on the couch it does flips and kicks.  I've tried to have Dane feel it from the outside but I think baby is still too little.
Sleep: Depends on the night, but still sleeping well for the most part
Symptoms: Other than a growing belly, the only symptom that I'm noticing is ligament pain (mentioned before) but the ligaments around my uterus are stretching and if I roll over in bed sometimes I will have a shooting pain in my side that takes my breath away. 
What I miss: Being able to help my husband move into our new house (although I'm secretly glad that I get out of the heavy lifting) :)
Cravings: Still nothing specific yet
Best Moment this week: We were told that we can finally close on our first home Friday (tomorrow) at 3pm.  We will be going straight to our house and cleaning and then moving in Saturday and Sunday. 

1 comment:

  1. You look gorgeous Hannah!!! Feeling the baby move has to be the most amazing feeling in the is indescribable! xo
